Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I got a XBox 360

The wife faked me out and hid it in a microwave box. I was so annoyed when I saw that box. She owned me hard.

That is all.

My user name is "Ozzie Al Thor". Include the spaces.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

How did it get burned?!


***Ok. So in about 3 weeks it's time for Anime Detour. 3 full days of nothing but animation and games from Japan. Yes, I have spoken to the opposite sex before. heck, I even have 2 kids! :D

***Jesus Christ is the lord! Bitches!

***Wrestling fans only need apply. Part 2.

***Anyone ever beat this game? I could nevert get to the roof myself.

***Maybe I should move to Indiana if there gonna make stupid lawsuits go away...

***And an addendum to the Anime Convention stuff above, NO, we're not all having stuff like this happen... only some of us. :(

***And to all the people who read this (or should I say "both of you who read this") I leave you with my thoughts about you:

Friday, January 12, 2007

The effect of drugs on spiders

***Educational stuff.

***Get it?

***Porn is funny.

*** Video games in school FTW!

Then ↑↑↓↓←→←→ b a select start should get you a promotion I figure.