Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I already miss James Brown!

***Please, come back man!

***So I saw "Rocky Balboa" over the Christmas weekend. My wife and I were pleased with the show. By far the best Rocky since Rocky II. Far more realistic then something like Rocky 4 and more fitting of an end for the series then Rocky 5. I can hear you now: "Dude, he's like 84. WTF?!" Well, remember George Foreman made a comeback and in his return fight beat the crap out of a guy half his age at the most. (He lost, but that's because boxing is rigged anyway)

All that said, if you are at all a fan of the Rocky movies, it's worth seeing. Quite believable and the characters are well written. I give it a B rating overall.

***Minnesota has alot of stupid people. It's been below freezing about 8 or 9 times during the day in the last 30 days tops. Oh yeah! The ice is PERFECT for driving on!

***Because randomness is the biz-omb.

***Because sites that do half the joke for you are cool.

***Note to self: Self, pick up this shirt for the Mrs.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas - Episode II: Attack of the lol's

**So I am slowly coming to the realization that SNL might be worth catching again. Contrary to popular belief, Mad TV sucks Jack Black's hairy ass. The last great non-SNL psrody show was "In Living Color".

Also, as the below video proves, Natalie Portman is a talented actress. She's done drama, comedy, sci-fi and romance and done it all well. Very few of her movies aren't worth watching.

**Which one is funnier:

Option A


Option B

(No really, his name IS Robert Van Winkle)

**Speaking of which... (No this had nothing to do with "SNL" or "In Living Color". I can put it here if I want, it's my blog. There are only like maybe 4 people reading this anyway.)

**(Insert Michael Jackson jokes here.)

**Again, Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas

(No really, I wasn't trying to be funny with the title. And it's not "Happy Holidays" either. It's Merry Christmas.)

**Dr. Dre has a new protegee.

**No really, it's been to long since you saw this.

**Joseph Barbera dies. The funeral procession is rumored to be walking past the same area every 3 seconds.

**God damnit, what am I supposed to do with my free time NOW?!

No really, Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Yo Adrian.. you're dead!

**Tell me you're not excited for the new Rocky movie. I dare ya. Seriously, I had my doubts about wanting to see this movie since the atrocity that was Rocky 5. After some of the trailers and early reviews it looking pretty good. Killing off Adrian + beefing up Stallone to look like a 65 year old wrecking ball + slurred endearing speech patterns = WIN!

**So anyway, I am worried about my 2 year old. She runs around with my hunter orange stocking cap on all day whenever I am home (Pics coming soon). I wonder if she's gonna be a little hoodlum though. Maybe I should hide my ski mask.

**I am a large Anime nut. No, I don't do THIS. I just spend money going to conventions and have crap loads of Anime in my Netflix que. So I recently finished Full Metal Alchemist. If you haven't seen this yet you're missing out. It's a story about family. It's about consequences and equal exchange. It's funny, sad and brutal all in one swoop. See it. You won't regret it.

**Amy Klobuchar (a.k.a. Evil Teeth) has already raised my taxes. I can just FEEL it.

**Has anyone seen my keys?

**Sam Kinison was a comic genius and I, for one, miss him. Most people my age (27) and younger haven't even HEARD of him because he died a few years ago. Start YouTube and Googling him people. You've been missing out.

**So why do people care about Hilton/Spears/Lohan anyway? Seriously, till the sex video (and you know it exists somewhere) with some combination of those 3 in it surfaces, stfu about them.

**Where the hood at, yo?.