***So I saw "Rocky Balboa" over the Christmas weekend. My wife and I were pleased with the show. By far the best Rocky since Rocky II. Far more realistic then something like Rocky 4 and more fitting of an end for the series then Rocky 5. I can hear you now: "Dude, he's like 84. WTF?!" Well, remember George Foreman made a comeback and in his return fight beat the crap out of a guy half his age at the most. (He lost, but that's because boxing is rigged anyway)
All that said, if you are at all a fan of the Rocky movies, it's worth seeing. Quite believable and the characters are well written. I give it a B rating overall.
***Minnesota has alot of stupid people. It's been below freezing about 8 or 9 times during the day in the last 30 days tops. Oh yeah! The ice is PERFECT for driving on!
***Because randomness is the biz-omb.
***Because sites that do half the joke for you are cool.
***Note to self: Self, pick up this shirt for the Mrs.
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